西方的德育指称道德教育。我国古代无德育概念 ,但存在德育事实 ;近代从西方引进德育概念时 ,指称道德教育 ;但在现代化过程中 ,德育内涵不断膨胀 ,外延不断扩张 ,逐渐演化成“即政治、思想、道德和心理品质教育” ,形成“大德育”格局。在社会分工越来越细 ,专业化程度越来越高的社会背景下 ,“大德育”
The western moral education refers to the education of morality.In Chinese ancient times,there was no concept of moral education but there existed facts of moral education.After being introduced from the West,the concept of moral education has been referred to the education of morality.In the process of its modernization,the connotations of moral education have expanded continually,and its denotations have extended into the“education of politics,thoughts,morality and mental quality”,which results in the patˉtern of“Great Moral Education”.Under such social circumstances where the division of social work beˉcomes narrower and narrower and the degree of specialization becomes higher and higher,the pattern of“great moral education”is challenged.
Journal of Chongqing Institute of Technology