红岩精神作为一种民族精神 ,是以周恩来为首的中共中央南方局这一特殊集体在特定的时空所集中体现出来的精神状态、价值追求和社会信念 ,是我们党和中华民族的宝贵精神财富。我们只有牢牢把握住红岩精神实质的核心灵魂、培育主体和宣传阵地这3个内核 ,才能更加全面、准确、深入地理解和领会红岩精神的精神实质、历史内涵和时代意义。尽管我们所处的时代和面临的任务与红岩精神产生的时代背景不同 ,但红岩精神仍然是我们积极推进经济社会全面发展和全面建设小康社会的强大动力和精神支柱。
As a national spirit,the Hongyan Spirit is the mental state,value pursuit and social beliefs disˉplayed by the collectivity of the South Bureau of the CPC led by Zhou Enlai in a specific space and time,and is the precious spiritual wealth of the CPC and the Chinese nation.Only when we grasp firmly the three nucleus of nuclear soul,cultivating entity and propaganda position in the Hongyan Spirit,can we thoroughly,precisely and deeply understand and gain insight into the essence,historical connotations and historical significance of the Hongyan Spirit.Despite of the different time and tasks today,the Hongyan Spirit is still our powerful drive and spiritual pillar in the promotion of social and economic development and the construction of a well_off society.
Journal of Chongqing Institute of Technology