The forefather of Man nationality could be traced back to over 3,000 years ago when it was called'Sushen'. After Jin Dynasty,a part of Nuzhen,which originally inhabited in the lower reaches of Songhuajiang river and the region of Heilongjiang river moved to nowadays the east of Liaoning.They were called'Jianzhou Nuzhen'. Another part moved to the elbow region of Songhuajiang river and they were called 'Haixi Nuzhen'. In Ming Dynasty,Nuzhen inherited Nuzhen culture from the former Jin and Yuan Dynasties,and this was called the 'primary culture'. In late Ming Dynasty,tribes of Nuzhen were gradually integrated. The culture of Nuzhen in this period contained both the heritage of Nuzhen and the influence of Han culture.It was called the secondary culture.When Qing Dynasty was established,owing to the fact of the garrison,staying for guarding and the living of the eight 'Qi', Manchu scattered all over the country and divided into different social groups. From then on,the culture of Manchu was called mixed culture.
Journal of Minzu University of China(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)