深化马克思主义政治经济学教学改革的关键在于必须切实改革教学内容与改进教学方法。改革教学内容 ,坚持马克思主义政治经济学的基本原理 ,重视理论联系实际的环节 ,对西方经济学理论采取应借鉴和吸收的态度。改进教学方法 ,应重视开展讨论式教学 ,重视开展实践性教学 ,重视引入案例式教学 ,重视应用多媒体教学手段。
The key to the dee pening of the teaching Of Malxist political economics lies in the substantial reforming and improving of the teachjng contents and teahlng methods.With regard to the reforming of the teaching contents,we should unwaveringly keep to the basic principles of Marxist political economics, be highly attentive to the integraton of theory and practice,and adopt a critical attitude when borrowing and assimilating elements of Western economical theories. With regard to improvement of teaching methods,we should pay more attention to the use of dialogue as a way of teaching and learning,be more close to social reality and use more concrete cases,and more effectively utilize multimedia in presentation.
Journal of Zhejiang Gongshang University
浙江省教育厅科研项目的阶段性研究成果 (Y0 3 -79)。