"凡是有海水的地方就有华人的足迹,凡是有华人的地方就会有中国餐馆",此种说法 或许有点言过其实,但自从中国人踏上美国的土地起,就与餐馆业结下了不解之缘,并一度将其发 扬光大。尽管如此,华人餐馆业在美国的发展并非一帆风顺,在起伏颠簸中,可谓喜忧参半。本文重 点分析了近20年来美国华人餐馆业的发展现状及其发展过程中的优劣势,并针对其劣势及发展前 景提出一系列建议。
'There are Overseas Chinese where there is seawater, and there are Chinese restaurants where there are Overseas Chinese.' Perhaps, this view is more than reality, but since Chinese set foot on the land of USA, they have been linked closely with restaurant-industry and got successful development of it. Nevertheless, the development of it isn't so easy and satisfying in America. During its development, it stays with success and failure. This article mainly analyses the development actualities of Chinese restaurant-industry and its advantages and disadvantages in America. Accordingly, it provides some suggestion about its disadvantages and development trend.
China Development