马克思主义中国化逐步实现过程 ,也就是中共在政治上、思想上、组织上逐步壮大成熟的过程。共产国际在这一过程中扮演了助产士和监护人的角色。随着中共及其事业的成长壮大 ,共产国际犯了指手画脚、包办一切的错误 ,导致了二者关系的扭曲 。
The application of Marxism in China actually is a gradually strengthening and progressing process of Chinese Communist Party in political, ideological and organizational fields. The Comintern plaid a rule of 'midwife and guardian' in this process. With the development and maturity of Chinese Communist Party, the Comintern made the faults of gesticulating and monopolizing, which resulted in the distortion of their relationship. So, it plaid both active and negative effects on the application of Marxism in China.
Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics