出任南京国民政府驻苏大使为蒋廷黻外交生涯之重要一章。作为临危受命的外交官 ,蒋廷黻衔令谋求推进南京当局联苏制日外交方略之实现 ,且衡诸情势变迁 ,试图谋求该方略之内涵与外延得以拓展 ,彰显出其独特的外交误解见与公忠谋国之心。
It should be one of the most important years for Jiang Tingfu to take post as an ambassador to Soviet Union in his diplomatic career,As a diplomat in special period, Jiang advanced the realization of China's diplomatic strategies of unifying Soviet Union against Japanese according to the government's order and attempted to expang its intension and epitaxy since the situation changed and which displayed his unique knowledge about diplomacy and his patriosism feelings.
Journal of Jinzhu University of Guiyang