
应用微核技术监测海水诱变剂的初步实验 被引量:3

Preliminary Report on the Development of a Bioassay for Detection of Mutagens in Sea Water
摘要 工业化和环境污染总是并行发生的。如何在工业化过程中尽量避免环境污染是大家关心的问题。在研究这个问题中,建立有效的生物测定法,来监测环境污染,防止污染物影响人类健康是很有意义的。 Although air and water pollution OB land has drawn a great deal of attention, sea water pollution did not receive enough care so far. Off shore Pollution along the coast of many industrial nations from oil spill, effluence of factories and power plants is of much greater scale than that on ;land. Present study intend to develop an efficient bioassay which will be reliable for detecting mutagens in the polluted sea water. Three plant species have been use to test for chromosome breakage or genetic damage inflicted by known mutagens. They are:gametophytes of Laminaria japonica, a fast growing thallus of brown alga. Platymonas subcordiformis, a single celled, green alga; and Spartina englica, a grass which grows on the inter-tidal zone of the coast. During the preliminary stage of this study X-rays and ultraviolet light were used as mutagens for their well known chromosome breaking ability and dose requirement to treat Laminaria gametophyte and Platymonas. Sodium azide(NaN3), awellknown mutagenic chemical was used to treat root meristems of Spartina and Laminaria, Preliminary. results indicate that micronuclei (MCN) can be induced in male gametophytes when 400-500 R of X-rays were applied. Ultraviolet light at about 2×105 erg/cm2 doe induced MCN in Platymonas and the MCN freguency of the treated was about 4 times as much as that of control. Sodium azide could induce chromosomes damage in the form of fragments and laggards in the mitotic metaphase and anaphase figures. Among these three plant species, Platymonas seems to be more promising in developing into an efficient bioassay for sea water pollution detection. Other plants will be chosen to similar test.
出处 《山东海洋学院学报》 1981年第2期74-79,共6页
基金 中美合作的科研项目
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