
海洋环境地球化学Ⅲ胶卅湾表层海水中砷的存在形态 被引量:1

Marine Environmental Geochemistry Ⅱ Speciation of Arsenic in Surface sea Water of Jiaozhou Bay
摘要 研究海水中砷的存在形态,无论从其对海洋生物的毒性效应,还是研究其地球化学特征,都是具有理论和实际意义的问题,因而日益引起了人们的注意。海水中不同形式砷化合物的测定与研究进行得不多,早期Gorgy等(1978) 1、 The content of the total arsenic, participate arsenic, dissolved arsenic, dissolved organic arsenic and inorganic arsenic ( As (Ⅲ)and As(Ⅴ) ) in the surface sea waters taken from coastal sites of Jiaozhou Bay have been determined by using anodic stripping voltametry ( ASV ) and Fe(OH)3 coprecipitation-DDCAg methods. The concentration ranges of total arsenic, particulate arsenic, dissolved total arsenic, dissolved organic arsenic, dissolved inorganic arsenic, inorganic arsenic (Ⅰ) and inorganic arsenic (Ⅴ)in the surface sea water of Jiaozhou Bay are:17.42-47.49μgl-1, 14.73-44.22μgl-1, 1.46-4.01μgl-1 , 0.2-2.43μgl-1 , 1.23-1.60μgl-1 , 0.35-l.20μgl-1, 0.34-1.06μgl-1, with the mean values of 24.49μgl-1, 2l.55μgl-1,2.94μgl-1,.l.58μgl-1, 1.36μgl-1, 0.67μgl-1,0.69μgl-1 respectively.The mean values of Asr/AsT, AsD/AsD , AsD.O/AsD.T, AsD.T/AsD.T AsDT(Ⅲ)/AsI.T AsDI./(Ⅴ)/AsD.I are 0. 88. 0.12, 0.512, 0.488, 0.496, 0.504 respectively.2, The results of experiment show that. (1).The species of arsenic in the coasted surface sea water of Jiaozhou Bay exist essentially as par-ticulate arsenic, (2) The concentration range of dissolved arsenic is equivalent to content of arsenic in unpolluted sea water, it means that the sea water of Jiaozhou Bay has not been polluted yet by arsenic; (3)The sites from which water samples contain organic arsenic more than 50% of total dissolved arsenic are situated in estuaries, down-stream of the pesticide factory and those near the agricultural areas; (4)The fluctuation of concentration of the inorganic arsenic in sea water of Jiaozhou Bay is very small, but the ratio of As(Ⅲ)/As(Ⅴ) is quite different (from 0. 56 to 3.16 ) .The sites of high As(Ⅲ)/As(Ⅴ) ratio are situated in areas along the coast. Whether there is any relationship between As(Ⅲ)/As(Ⅴ) ratio and high primary productivity or bioreduction, it should be identified by field investigation later on.
出处 《山东海洋学院学报》 1981年第3期32-38,共7页
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