美国产紫露草(Tradescantia paludosa)的微核(MCN)技术用于监测环境污染物已是熟知的有效手段,山东紫露草即毛萼紫露草(Tradescantia reflexa)对环境污染物的敏感性如何,未见报道。
Tradescantia paludosa ( spiderwort ), an American species with 2n=12 chromosomes, is known for its high sensitivity to mutagens when used in Tradescantia-Micronucleus bioassay. Tradescantia reflexa ( Zc-lu Tsao),a special clone of Tradescantia found in Qingdao, People's Republic of China, is a teraploid with 24 chromosomes Plus 1-4 B chromosomes. Its sensitivity to mutagens has been observed to be even greater than T. pa-ludosa. A series of experiments using Tradescantia-Micronucleus bioassay were carried out to compare the sensitivity between these two species. At 10 R of X-rays, the micronuclci( MCN ) in tetrad frequency was around 25 MCN/100 tetrads for T. paludosa but 40 MCN/100 tctrads for T. re-flexa. At 20 R of X-rays, MCN frequency was around 45 MCN/100 tclrads for T. paludosa but around 205 MCN/100 tetrads for T. reflexa. when these two species were treated with a scries of similar dosages of sodium azidc (0.01, 0.05. and 0.l0mM ), the MCN frequencies in T. paludosa were about the same as that of control, but the MCN frequencies in T. reflexa indicated a positive dose-response. The efficiency of the Tradescantia -Micronuclcus bioassay would be greatly improved if T. reflexa inflorescences were used.