拖网的网目大小(特别是网具前部)对拖速有直接影响,而拖速又对捕捞效率产生重要作用。从理论上说,不但存在着没有渔获效果的临界低速,而且应有一个具有良好渔获效果的最佳拖速.在渔船功率与网具尺度不变的条件下,网目大小的确定应以保证拖网达到最佳拖速为目的。网目可按下式确定: a_2=(V_2/V_1)^(2.5)·a_1 据以上分析,作者计算了我国沿海几种常见拖网的网目尺寸.
The essentials and methods of determining the mesh size of trawlnets are discus-sed in this paper. The results of the practical tests indicate that the mesh size of traw-lnet, especially in its front part, has direct and remarkable influence on trawlingspeed. The trawling speed has not only important influence on fishing efficiency oftrawl gear, but also has a certain selection to the species and length of fish. Variousfish species adapt to different trawling speed, at optimum speed to certain species thehighest catch is achieved. Therefore, when a new trawlnet is designed, the mesh sizein front part of the net should be so determined that the trawlnet can reach to theoptimum speed. If the horso power of vessels and dimensions of nets are in coordination, themesh size can be calculated as follows:a_2 = (V_2/V_1)^(2.5) .a_1where sign 1 and 2 separately show the prototype and the new trawlnet. Finally, themesh size of some fish species is calculated and adapted to a existing trawlnet.
Journal of Fisheries of China