本文报导了无齿沼虾Macrobrachium edentatum新种,对其形态特征作了描述并同细○沼虾M.superbum(Heller)作了比较。
The present paper deals with a new species of the fresh-water prawn of the genusMacrobrachium. Many specimens were collected from Sichuan Province in 1984. Thetype specimen is deposited at Shanghai Fisheries University. Macrobrachium eaentatum, sp. nov. Rostrum extends beyond the extremity of antennular penduncle, it is shorter andrather broader. The dorsal border bears 10--15 teeth, 3--4 of which are situated on thecarapace behind orbit. The ventral border bears 3-4 teeth. Second legu are equal,shorter than the body in the adult males. Movable and fixedfingers bear without teeth at the every side of the cutting edge. Dactyius is shorterthan the palm. Palm is slight swollen, about 1.4-1.5 times as long as finger. Carpusis about as long as palm,about 0.55-0.71 times as long as chela. Merus is about as longas finger. Ischium is slight longer than merus. Comparison: The cutting edge of the movable or fixed finger of the present newspecies bears without tooth which closely resembles Macrobrachium superbum (Hel-ler),but differs from the latter in the following features: 1.the rostrum is shorterand rather broader; 2. the finger of the second legs is shorter than the palm, and thepalm is slight swollen; 3. the eggs are very large and few in number. Holotype ?(84-33-1), 53mm; paratypes 10?10? Junlian County, Sichu-an Province. May 20, 1984.
Journal of Fisheries of China