本文从波动方程的解出发,推导了不对称盖板磁致伸缩发射型换能器的谐振频率方程。并从该方程出发,推导了五种特殊状态下的谐振频率方程。有些方程在文献中早就发表;有些至今尚未报导。本文把这些单个方程系统地连贯起来,并认为不对称盖板磁致伸缩发射型换能器的谐振频率方程是这些方程基本通用方程。 为便于计算,文中对T型换能器还作出计算图表。 利用机电类比和基本定义还列出了不对称盖板单向发射换能器的机声效率和辐射声功率的计算公式,讨论了提高机声效率和辐射声功率的方法。
A reaonant frequency equation of the unsymmetrical end-plate megnetostrictivetransitting trsnsducer has been derived. From the solution of wave equation by applyingof this equation to five different contructed megnetostrictive transducer after rearrangingand modifing five corresponding formulae have been developed some of which were notreported before. It is proved that this resonant frequency equation can be regarded as ageneral basic equntion of all megnetostrictive transducers of different construtions. For the convenience of calculation, a group of curves showing the relation betweenresonant frequency and dimensions of a T--shaped transducer is plotted. By using the electro--mechanieal analogy and its fundamental definitions, the equa-tions for calculating the acoustical efficiency of the unsymmetrical end-plate megnetos-trictive unidirectional transmitting transducer and its sound radiating power arediscussed.
Journal of Fisheries of China