In this paper, we consider oscillation and nonoscillation of the solutions for the more general second-order functional differential eguations. Some sufficient conditions which keep all the solutions oscillating were obtained.Here is an example for the eguationyw(t) + f(t),y(t), y((?)(t)), y'(t), y'(h(t))=0, t≥A≥O (5) where (?)(t)→∞, h(t)→∞ as t→∞.Theorem 1. Besides the conditions on the continuity and the existence and unigueness of solution, we suppose that the following conditions are also satisfied:(i) f(t,u,v,w,z) have the same sign as u, v, if u, v have the same sign;(ii) for every positive monotonu nondecreasing function or negative nonincreasing function, The following eguation f(t,y(t),y(g(t)),y'(h(t)))dt=∞·sgny is correct.Thenall the solutions of equation (5) oscillate.The theorems contain partial results of the articles[2] [3] .The necessary and sufficient conditions in which eg (5) has a nonosillatory bounded solution are established in this paper. This is theorem 3.In presant paper, We proved five theorems which contain some results of the foreign articles.