一、前言 近十几年来世界各地对晴空回波的观测,都有了进一步的分析和解释,虽然,他们所观测的晴空回波出现的空间各有不同,除个别是由于鸟与昆虫散射而来的回波外,基本上都是由于大气折射率的不均匀分布而引起的。我们在青岛近海的紧贴海表面大气中观测到几种晴空回波;它们虽然在表现形式上有所不同,但其来源根据目测和雷达观测的结果来看,证实是同出一辙。在下面就其中一种形式初步地加以分析和介绍。
When dry and warm southwest wind prevails over the south coast of observation station, a layer of clear air echo has been monitored by radar over the coastal sea surface. ]t often appears in the late ofternoon and takes the form of remarkable wave structure.in this paper,we analyse the phenomena preliminarily and interpret the cause of echo occurrence. It is agreed that these echoes are possibly caused by turbulences below a layer of inversion.