The sedimentary samples of the studied area were analysed for Fe2O3, CaO,MnO2,MgO,P2O5,RCO3MnO2 and P2O5 were analysed with spectrometer,the others by complexometric titration.The chemical composition features of the sediments of this area we re discussed,and compared with those of the neighboring depositionai environ -ments.The isograms of mentioned components were given out. In order to clarify the main factors that control the sedimentary process of this area,the multi-element statistical analysis were carried out with computer, indicating that the method of multi-element statistical analysis,like factor analysis,correspondence analysis…,is valid for expounding the main factors that control the sedimentary process of this area.These factors include modern hydromechanic sedimentary differentiation,the existence and influence of the relict sediments and the biochemical process.On the basis of muiti element analysis,the studied area can be divided into two geoche mical regions and four geochemieal sub regions.