
浮游动物生态 被引量:2

Ecological Study of Zooplankton
摘要 海洋浮游动物是海洋中的主要次级生产者。其种类组成、种群分布以及种群数量变动将直接和间接地制约海洋的生产力,对渔业兴衰关系极为密切。它是生态特征明显的海洋动物,还可以作为指标动物,用来区别水团和海流。因此,对浮游动物研究在海洋综合性调查中占一定的重要位置。 During the time 1981,6-1982,3,a preliminary survey of the zooplank-ton in the South Huanghai Sea and North East Sea was carried out with the object of studying the ecological relationship between the plankton and hydrological conditions on one hand and between the plankton and the fishing ground on the other.The seasonal and horizontal variation of total Momass was obvious. The distribution zone of high biomass of zooplankton was located at the coastal waters of the mouth of Chang Jiang River during the period of maximum river runoff, otherwise, when runoffs from the river low, the distribution zone of high biomass was located at the. mixed place of different water masses.The place of high biomass is always in the high productive place of fishing.The total biomass reached maximum in June and reduced to a minimum in December, this type of seasonal variation was essentially the game as observed in the South Huanghai Sea and North East Seas in 1958 and 1959.A total 422 species pf zopplankton and 24 groups of Plankton larvae were found in the area investigated. The ecotype were: 1. temperature species(1)warm temperature species(2)cold temperature species2.low saline neretic species3.tropical species(1)wide tropic species(2)narrow tropic speciesThe zooplankton of the area is dominated by Copepoda and Euphausi-acea, the most important species of which are Calanus sinicus Brodsky and Euphausia pacific Hansen.The other important constituents of the zooplankton are genus Sagitta, Euchaeta, Eucalanus,Themisto, Fritillaria and Oikopleura etc.There are 29 species of Euphausiacea found in the area, but the maxima of different species do not all occur in the same month and the same place.For Euphausia pacific Hansen, it is in September, it is distributed mainly in offshore waters especially is restricted in the cold water mass of The Huanghai Sea. Some of the narrow tropical species, which are Thysanopoda astylata Brinton and Stylocheiron abbreviation G.O.Sars etc, are only found in the warm waters of high salinity under the heavy influence of the Kuroshia Current.For the species and quantitative distribution of these euphausiacea varies with different water mass. It has been found out that there is a closed relationship between the distribution of the species and the different water mass.by Huang Shimei.
作者 黄世玫
出处 《山东海洋学院学报》 1986年第2期55-85,86-87,共33页
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