There were 117 species of Cyanophycophyta,Chlorophycophyta,Phaeophycophyta and Rhodophycophyta on the reliable record of Xiamen's algae in the past.There are 22 species of Chlorophycophyta,Phaeophycophyta and Rhodophycophyta being added to the record which is going to be exponded in this article. Most of these species are widely ddistributed in the temperate water of the pacific ocean or the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.Seven of which are the first discoveries in Fujian Province. At present we know that there are all together 4 phyla,23 orders,38 families and 139 species of algae growing in the coastal areas of Xiamen.Many kinds of which are typical samples of phylum,class,order and family and are good teaching material on algology for the specialities of marine aquiculture and of algae.They can also be used as partial teaching material on prinary botany for the department of ordinary biology.For example,the Sporochnus radiciformis (R.Br.) J.Ag.,the special local product of Xiamen,has profound significance to provide the order of Sporochnales for teaching or studies. The 39% of the algae produced at Xiamen have the economic value for further exploitation and rational utilization.Such algae as Gracilaria verrucosa (Huds.) Papenf.,Crateloupia livida (Harv.) Yam.etc.,have bright future for cultivation. The kinds of algae which are widely distributed both in the warm temperate zone and in the temperate zone are growing flourishingly at Xiamen coastal areas.The 64 kinds of algae of both above said zones growing in the Yellow Sea of China and such subtropical kinds of algae as Dictyosphaeria cavernosa (Forssk.) Boerg.,Galaxaura oblongata (Ell.et Sol.) Lamx.etc.,growing in the South China Sea also have their distrtbutions to Xiamen,and some widely distubuting of this kinds algae as Sargassum Vachelliamum Grev.,Caloglossa leprieurii J.Ag.etc.、 are also flourishingly at this local coast、 This fact shows that Xiamen is situated at the intersection of temperate zone and subtropical zone, therefore Xiamen has certain significance for the studies of the marine algal flora of both the temperate zone and subtropical zone.