The Polysiphonia urceolata used in experiment was driven to the coastal areas by current and was collected at the seaside of Guizhou Road of Tsingtao. First,this experimental material was washed several times with the sterilized seawater,then it was cut with razor blade into fragments whose lengths were about one to five segments or more than five segments.The medium used was the sterilized seawater added with some nutritious salt N-10 ppm,P-2 ppm. Our experiment was repeated three times from June to July,1979,From these experiments we found that either one segment only or several segments of the cells could regenerate the apical cells at one cut end or at both cut ends and from which the peri-axial cells grew and then developed into new shoots. It was obvious that the apical cells were developed from the central-axial cells.After being cultured for a month and a half,the segments could grow to 4 mm.or more and they could be seen by eyes.The cut peri-axial cells projected outward and gradually formed the rhizoid,at the top of which formed the branches in a radiant shape for the purpose of adhering.After some time the granular chloroplasts appeared in pink red colour inside the rhizoids.Besides, some fine and thin colourless hair grew outward from the peri-axial cells,however, it did not grow into branches at its top.The segment with apical eells could grow new apical cells and form new shoots from the cut.The new shoots grew rapidly,however,the old apical cells stopped growing in general. The ability of regeneration of the thallus fragments of polysiphonia urceolata is very strong,but the cell's division of labour is very strict:The centralaxial cells can only grow the new thallus while the peri-axial cells can only grow rhizoid and unpigmented hair.