
仙菜Ceramium tenerrimum(Mart)Okam和日本多管藻Polysiphonia japonica Harv切段再生的研究

Studies on Regeneration of Fragments of Ceramium tenerrimum (Mart) Okan and Polysiphonia japonica Harv
摘要 本文报导了Ceramitim fenerrimtlm(Marf)Okan和Polgsiphonia japonica Harv两种红藻切断的再生。前者中轴细胞只能产生皮层细胞与假根,由皮层细胞再生新枝或假根。后者由中轴细胞再生生长点,然后由它生成新枝,围轴细胞只能产生假根与无色毛。藻体基部的小皮层细胞可以产生生长成新枝的生长点。两种红藻都表现了切断细胞的明显分工与再生的极性。无论仙莱或多管藻的切断都是近上端部份产生新枝,近切断下端产生假根,未见到上下颠倒的现象。产生假根的细胞在切断的任何部位均可;假根末端多成多分枝,用以附着于基质上(Subsfrafum)。假根末端分枝初期的形状在同一属不同种间表现有所不同。研究证明利用切断再生比利用孢子萌发长成的藻体要快。可以考虑利用这一特点在人工条件下一年多次生产具有经济价值的海藻。 This artiele introduces the regeneration of fragments of such algae as Ceramium terrimum (Mart) Okan and Polysiphonia japonica Harv.The axial cells of the former can only grow cortical cells and rhizoids,while the cortical cells can qrow new shoots and rhizoids,The axial cells of the latter can grow growing points from which new shoots can grow,but the peri-axial cells can only grow rhizoids and colourless down.The minor cortical cells at the base of the algae body can grow growing points from which will grow new shoots.These two kinds of algae apparently show their fragmentary cell's respective division of labout and activity of regeneration.Either the fragments of Ceramium tenerrimum (Mart) Okan or of Polysiphonia japonica Harv grow new shoots at their upper part,while the rhizoids grow at the lower part near the cut of the gragments.No otherwise sign can be seen.At any part of the gragment can grow rhizoid cells and at the end of the cells form branch shoots so as to cling to the substratum.The shape of the branch shoots at the end of rhizoid at the initial stage is different from that of the different species,though of the same genus. Studies prove that algae tan grow faster by means of fragmentary regeneration than by means of the sprouting of spores.Therefore it can be considered that these algae with economic value can be artificially produced several times a year.
出处 《厦门水产学院学报》 1982年第1期1-11,共11页
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