The study of Pb and Cd was carried out in two French estuaries (Loire and Gironde). The objectives were, to evalute the total dissolved concentrations, to differenciate free and labile and organic Pb and Cd, to understand the geochemical behaviour of these metals during estua-rine mixing.The water sample analysis were accomplished by DPASV. The contamination had been estimated during sampling, pretreatment and analys is, the total blanc reached a maximum value of 7.5 ng per kg. The dissolved concentration is lower then previously reported.A maximum of dissolved Pb and Cd was observed in the Gironde where we noted a decrease in particulate Pb and Cd from the upper to the lower part of estuary. Two maximums of dissolved Pb and Cd were observed at Cordemais and St Nazaire of the Loire, corresponding to sewage effluent and chemical plant effluent.