根据头部骨骼的比较,进一步证实将平鳍鳅科分为两个亚科是正确的。对分布于中国的平鳍鳅亚科鱼类进行了比较详尽的整理,共记载了7属15种(或亚种),其中有1个新种——云南原爬鳅Balitoropsis yunnanensis,sp.nov.和1个新记录——越南华吸鳅Sinogastromyzontonkinensis Pell.et Chev.。
In this paper, a revision of Chinese Homalopterine fishes is given, comprising 7 genera and 15 species (or subspecies), with the description of a new species, Balito-ropsis yunnanensis, sp. nov. and a new record of Sinogastromyzon tonkincnsis Pellegrin et Chevey in the Chinese fish fauna. The new species is briefly described as follows.Balitoropsis yunnanensis, sp. nov.D. 3.8; A. 2.5; P. 7, 12; V. 2, 8; L. 1. 58, L. trans. 6/6-v..Depth of body contained in standard length 5.9, width of body 5.5, length of head 5.3, length of caudal peducle 5.5, its depth 15.6. Depth of head contained in its length 2.0, width of head 1.1, length of snout 1.9, width interorbital space 2.3, diameter of eye 8.4. Width of mouth contained in width of head 3.5. Depth of caudal peduncle contained in its length 2.8.The present species is similar to Balitoropsis bartschi Smith. But it differs from the latter in having a smaller body depth, much smaller eyes and the larger number of undivided rays in the pectoral fins. The new species can also be distingushed by the larger number of scales in the lateral line and the vent situated nearer to the anal fin than to the ventral base.Type --One specimen, No. 60-Ⅶ-012, kept in the Museum of Institute ofHydrobiology, 58 mm. in standard length, collected in Lanchan River, Yongping Xian, Yunnan Provinee, P. R. China.