In this paper, it revision of Chinese Gastromyzoninae fishes is given, comprising8 genera and 34 species (including subspecies), with the description of 43 new speciesand one new subspecies. One genus, Protomyzon Hora, is reckoned as a new recordin the Chinese fish fauna. These new, species and subspecies are diagnosed as follows. Vanmanenia gymnetrus, sp. nov.D. 3, 8; A. 2, 5; P. 1, 15-16; V. 1, 8; L. 1. 92(26-29)/(15-16-V)104. Depth of body contained iu standard length 6.8 (6.6-7.2), width of body 6.6(6.4-7.1), length of head 4.6(4.4-4.7), length of caudal peduncle 8.6(8.1-9.2), its depth12.7(12.2-13.6). Depth of head contained in its length 2.1(1.9-2.3), width of head1.3(1.2-1.3), length of snout 1.8(1.7-1.9), diameter of eye 6.3(5.2-7.0), width ofinterorbital space 2.8(2.7-2.8). Width of mouth contained in width of head 3.8 (3.7-4.1). The new species is similar to Vanmanenia xinyiensis Zheng et Chen, but differsfrom the latter in the position of the dorsal fin and the coloration. It differs fromother species of Vanmanenia in having a larger naked region of abdomen. Its ventnearly in midway between the base of the ventral fins and the origin of the anal fin.Besides 7 rostral barbels, there are many small papillae on the margin of the rostralfold in the new species. Type: 6 specimens, No 74-Ⅵ-0786-0791, kept in the Museum of Institute ofHydrobiology, Academia Sinica, 61-70 mm. in standard length, collected in JiulongRiver, Longyan Xian, Fujian Province, P. R. China. Vanmanenia striata, sp. nov.D. 3, 7; A. 2. 5; P. 1, 16-17; V. 1, 8-9. L. 1. 92(27-30)/(19-20-V)98. Depth of body contained in standard length 5.8 (5.3-6.2), width of body 6.6(6.4-7.1), length of head 4.7(4.5-5.1), length of caudal peduncle 8.8 (8.0-9.7), its depth12.3(12.0-13.0). Depth of head contained in its length 1.8(1.7-2.0), width of head1.2(1.0-1.4), length of snout 1.8 (1.7-2.0), diameter of eye 6.8(5.8-7.7), width ofinterorbital space 2.3(2.2-2.7). Width of mouth contained in width of head 3.4(3.0-3.8). The new species differs from other member of genus Vanmanenia in havingirregular vertical bands and larger number of the pectoral rays. Type: 13 specimens, No. 585280-585285, 585446, 585450, 585480, 585482, 646483-646485, kept in the Museum of Institute of Hydrobiology, Academia Sinica, 54-78 mm. in standard length, collected in Yuanjiang River, Xiaguan Shi, YunnanProvince, P. R. China. Protomyzon pachychilus, sp. nov.D. 3, 8: A. 2, 5; P. 1, 17-18; V. 1, 8-9. L. 1. 70(17-18)/(10-11-V)79. Depth of body contained in standard length 6.7(6.0-7.2), width of body 7.7(6.5-8.7). length of head 4.5(4.1-5.2), length of caudal peduncle 10.4(9.8-11.2), its depth9.4(8.8-10.0). Depth of head contained in its length 1.8(1.5-1.9), width of head1.2 (1.1-1.4), length of snout 1.9(1.9-2.0), diameter of eye 5.9(5.4-6.4), width ofinterorbital space 2.0(1.8-2.2). Width of month contained in width of head 2.6 (2.3-2.8). The gill-opening of the new species extends to the base of the pectoral fins. Itdiffers from the other member of this genus in the lips being broader and thicker andin having a lip lamina at mouth angle. Type: 7 specimens No. 7-9, 12-14, 18, kept in the Museum of Institute ofHydrobiology, Academia Sinica, 24.5-60 mm. in standard length, collected in amountain stream of West River, Guangxi Province, P. R. China. Protomyzon sinensis, sp. nov.D. 3, 8; A. 2, 5; P. 1, 17-19: V. 1, 7-8. L. 1. 72(22-23)/(14-16-V)86. Depth of body contained in standard length 5.6 (4.8-6.8), width of body 7.5 (6.8-8.1), length of head 4.7(4.3-5.3), length of caudal peduncle 8.9(8.0-9.6), its depth10.6(9.5-11.2). Depth of head contained in its length 1.6(1.4-1.7), width of head1.2 (1.1-1.3), length of snout 1.9(1.8-2.1), diametor of eye 5.3(4.8-6.2), width ofinterorbital space 2.1(1.9-2.3). Width of mouth contained in width of head 2.9(2.5-3.3). The present species is similar to Protomyzon aphclochilus Inger et Chin of northBorneo, in having gill-opening much smaller, not extending to the base of the pectoralfins. The new species differs from the latter in having fewer rays in the pectoralfins. Type: 15 specimens, No. 75-Ⅳ-1801-1805, 2572-2574, 2579, 2581, 2804, 3217-3220,kept in the Museum of Institute of Hydrobiology, Academia Sinica, 31-55.5 mm. ofstandard length, collected in West River, Lonsheng Xian, Lipu Xian and Jinxiu Xian,Guangxi Province, P. R. China. Pseudogastromyzon fasciatus jiulongjangensis, subsp. nov. The new subspecies differs from Pseudogastromyzon fasciatus fasciatus (Sauvage)by having a longer and higher caudal peduncle, fewer vertical bands at side of body. Type: 15 specimens, No. 74-Ⅴ-445, 447, 448, 761, 763, 765, 766, 768-770, 776, 779,782-784, kept in the Museum of Institute of Hydrobiology, Academia Sinica, 41-66 mm. in standard length, collected in Jiulong River, Longyan Xian and NanjingXian, Fujian Province, P. R. China. Beaufortia cyclica, sp. nov. D. 3, 7; A. 2, 5; P. 1, 30; V. 1, 20. L. 1. 72 19/(10-V). Depth of body contained in standard length 6.5, width of body 4.0, length of head3.8, length of caudal peduncle 12.4, its depth 13.0. Depth of head contained in itslength 1.8, width of head 1.4, length of snout 1.8, diameter of eye 5.7, width Df inter-orbital space 2.3. Width of mouth contained in width of head 2.5. The present species is a specialised Gastromyzonine fish. Its pectoral fin originextend beyond the anterior margin of the nose tril, almost reaching the tip of thesnout. Type: One specimen, No. 75-Ⅳ-1417, kept in the Museum of Institute of Hydrobio-logy, Academia Sinica, 26mm. in standard length, collected in West River, LongzhowXian, Guangxi Province, P. R. China.