In the present paper four new species and a new genus of the family Lernaeidae are described. The descriptions are as follows: 1. Lernaea quadrinucifera sp. n. (pl. Ⅰ, figs. 1—9) Several mature females were found on the gill arches of the pond fish Ctenopharyngodon ideilus in Kiangsu and Chekiang Provinces (Yangtze watershed). Total length of the mature females ranges from 7.8 to 11.0 mm. The torsion of the body is mostly sinistral 45°—90° degrees, but few are dextral. The antero-dorsal horns are two “T” shaped extensions of the maxillipede segment, but the unique feature is the group of 4 nut like spheres on the ventral surface of the cephalothorax; these spheres are similar in size and in close contact, obscuring the head and first legs. The spheres of the first pair are always practically spherical, they have separate origins, at the sides of the maxillipeds, from the spheres of the silghtly posterior pair, which are sometimes broader than longand have a nose-like projection posterolaterally, or this may arise separately from their base.