本文描述了栖息在安徽省合肥市四里河附近淡水鱼苗培育池中的介甲目蚌壳虫科蚌壳虫属的一个新种—中华蚌壳虫Cyzicus sinensis Hu,1987 sp.nov.该新种是蚌壳虫属在中国的首次发现。列表比较了本新种与近似种尼泊尔蚌壳虫Cyzicus nepalensis Ueno,1967的主要形态区别特征:新种壳周缘具短毛;第1触角有感觉乳突15个(雄)及19个(雌);第2触角内、外胶有15—16节;雄性有19个体节具背棘刺,雌性则有17个体节;雄虫执握肢第4内叶内缘中部凹陷较浅,无突起;雌虫携卵肢鳃叶呈小椭圆形;雄虫尾节背缘生小齿29个,雌虫则有32个;雄虫尾爪具羽状刚毛17条,小齿38个,而雌虫则分别有9条及94个,尾爪背面中部有1个长棘。附新种与近似种的形态图20幅。模式标本保存在青岛海洋大学水产学院水产动物标本室。
A new species of the phyllopod conchostracan named Cyzicus Sinensis Hu, 1987 belonging to the Cyzicidac from a freshwater fry-rearing pond in Anhui Province is described in this paper. The new species is the first discovery of the genus CyZicus in China. A table is given to compare the main morphological characteristics of the new species with the resemble species C. nepalensis Ueno, 1967. Twenty figures are provided in illustration of these two species. The types are deposited in the Fisheries College, Ocean University of Qingdao.sited in the Fisheries College, Ocean University of Qingdao.