采用20■×8的离子交换层析柱(氯型,200~400目;柱高×柱截面为10.5cm×16cm^2)可将 Penicillium citrinnm变异菌株产生的核酸酶 P_1对鱼精 DNA 钠盐的酶解产物——四种脱氧单核苷酸完全分离。其分离工艺条件是:0.0018N HCl,0.0028N HCl,0.035N NaCl(pH6)和0.02M NaCl—0.005N HCl(dCMP→dAMP→dTMP→dGMP);酶解液浓度2.3mg/ml左右;加样流速0.1~0.2ml/cm^2·min;洗脱流速0.5ml 左右/cm^2·min。
This paper deals with the process of digesting Na-DNA obtained from fish sperm into 5′-deoxymononucleotides by using 5′-phosphodiesterase from Penicillium citrinum, M71.The 201×8 anion exchanger resin was used in the seperation. The conditions for setting samples are as follows: Height of bed column 105 mm Diameter of bed column 45 mm Sample concentration 213 mg digest/ml Eluting flow-rate 0.5 ml/cm^2·min The results of the seperation indicated 5′-deoxymonoculeotides components could be fully eluted as a whole peak by the eluting agent,0.005 NHCl and 0.04 MNaCl. And the use of a few proper eluting agents,i.e.0.0018 NHCl,0.0028 NHCI, 0.036 M NaCl (ph 6.0) and 0.005 NHCl-0.02 M NaCl ccould bring about perfect and respective elution of dCMP,dAMP,dTMP and dGMP.