Here ara represented results of the morphological, optical, thermal investigation and x-ray analysis of zircon, its phisical and chemical properties.By goniometrical study the crystal forms have been defined : a (100 ) ,m ( 110 ) ,p ( 101) ,x ( 211 ) .The axial ratio calculated from tne gonioraetrical data is: a:c =1.106.Elongation length-breadth ratios for the zircon crystals were measured. Most of the crystals ( 74%) have an elongation more than 2.0 , showing that the zircon is of crystallization in rocks of magmatic origin.Zircon is colorless or pale-yellow and trasparent. H = 7-8. the specific gravity calculated from the x-ray data is4.62, cleavages are:a (100) ,p(101) poor,optically is uniaxial positive , with Ne= 1.992, No=1.936 ( both±0.001 ),,Ne-No= 0.056,The yellow fluorescence is produced when the ultra-violet rays-(λ-3650A ) strike the zircon.The crystals contain some gas and red solid inclusions.Spectrochemical analysis gave the results & Zr>l, Si>l , pr =1, Cr =0.4, Hf=0.3, Fc=0.3, Ti=0.3, Ca0=0.2, Sn=0.1, V=0.2, Co<0.1, Mg=0.09, Zn=0.06, Y=0.02, Bi=0.02, Nb=0.01, Mn=0.01, Yb=0.003, Ni<0.00l, Th, K,P - trace.The X-ray powder photograph is indexed according to axial ratios c:a=0.9061 and c:a=0.6406.The following cell constants have been defined:when c:a=0.9061, a=6.61±0.01A , c=5.99±0.01A, V=261.7A3;when c:a=0.6406 , a=9.34±0.01A , c=5.99±0.01A , V=522.5A3.The DTA Curve of zircon does not differ from the normal .Some of crystallographic, mjneralogical and geological aspects discussed in this article.