曼氏无针乌贼(Sepiella Maindroni de R.)是我国东海的主要渔捞对象之一,其重要性仅次于带鱼和黄鱼,但国内对无针乌贼的研究,却远不及带鱼、黄鱼那样系统和周密。除了断续作了一些形态、生态、产卵习性、孵化发育等研究外,关于资源方面,也仅有1960年浙江省渔业资源调查队作了春、夏汛洄游分布的调查。至于幼乌贼的分布范围、数量变动等情况,
A clear understanding of the distribution range and population fluctuation of young squids is a necessary basis for resources forecasting and artificial propagation. Being based on a systematic young squids distribution between May 1980 and October 1981, an analysis is given on the growth rate of voung squids and the main factors affecting their stock fluctuation.