入世后 ,我国职业教育中高职迅速发展、规模不断扩大 ;职业道德教育备受重视、要求更高 ;专业设置更加面向市场、课程结构趋向模块化 ;师资要求日益提高、师资管理走向市场化 ;职教市场更加开放、国际国内合作日益增多。
After joining the WTO, vocational education in Chinese higher learning institutions is assumed to turn on the following features. First of all, comprehensive education will achieve rapid development.Moreover,moral education will get merged into vocational education. Specialties and teaching staff management will be more market-oriented, curriculum structure-patterned. Best of all, international and domestic cooperation will be increased.
Journal of Hebei Normal University(Educational Science)