
20世纪中期欧美异国形象研究及其后来发展 被引量:2

Image Studies in the West: Debates in Mid-20th Century and its Later Development
摘要 20世纪五六十年代 ,异国形象研究在欧美比较文学领域经历了曲折的发展过程。随着 6 0年代中期的争论和当时已经兴起的外部研究及其后来文化政治研究的普及 ,欧洲和美国在其后的形象研究领域走出了不同的发展路子。法国人在吸收新理论中一直强调建立独立的比较文学形象学 ,而美国人更乐于在不同的领域内继续其早已开始的形象研究。然而 ,两地研究的目的似更趋同于从多学科角度探索形象建构过程 ,而非单纯地强调国家之间的影响或者不同学科各自的追求 ,多了一些寻求文化渊源的批判态度。 Image Studies saw a zigzag process for recognition in the field of comparative literary research in some European countries and the United States. With the debates in mid-1960s and the gradual widespread of more powerful extrinsic research and cultural studies in later decades, European countries, France in particular, and the United States have undertaken different approaches. French scholars, in the absorption of new theories, have continued stressing the establishment of image studies as an independent branch under Comparative Literature, while Americans seemed to be satisfied to carry on their research in different disciplines as before. The goal, however, has tended to be more related to search the process of image construction from inter-disciplinary perspectives rather than emphasizing the impact of one country on the other or doing the research within a single discipline. There is more thought of criticism in exploration of the cultural origin and less autophilia of one's own culture in any image-making.
作者 姜源
出处 《四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第2期131-136,共6页 Journal of Sichuan University:Philosophy and Social Science Edition
关键词 异国形象研究 欧美 争论 后来发展 image studies Europe and America debate later development
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