我国的公安文化,是公安传统文化、现实文化和公安行业文化相交融的产物。要构建优秀的公安文化,就必须掌握辩证唯物主义的认识论和方法论,用科学的理论指导公安文化建设的实践。做到:1 正确处理历史与现实的辩证关系;2 正确处理宏观与微观的辩证关系;3 正确处理民警个体与公安队伍群体的辩证关系;4 正确处理硬件与软件的辩证关系。
Public security culture in China combines traditional culture, modern culture with trades culture of public security. Hence, to establish excellent public security culture, epistemology and methodology of dialectical materialism have to be mastered to guide the practice of construction with scientific theory. The following relationships are to be dealt with carefully to serve the construction: relationship between history and current condition; relationship between macro and micro; relationship between individual policeman and staff of public security; relationship between equipment and software.
The Journal of Yunnan Police College