

Coordination middleware system for distributed information service platform
摘要 为了更好地满足用户对分布式信息服务平台的QoS要求,对一个异构的数据库簇进行 了研究,提出了基于该簇的一个协调中间件的逻辑模型,并对其设计思想及实现方法进行了详细介 绍。该模型将数据的新鲜度引入设计过程,用它作为事务处理的QoS参数来提高系统服务质量。 In order to meet users' QoS requisitions for distributed information service platform,a cluster of heterogeneous database was investigated, and a logical model of the coordination middleware based on the cluster was proposed. Then the design and implementation of the middleware was discussed in detail.The model introduced freshness of data as Quality of Service parameter for transaction processing to improve quality of service.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期957-959,共3页 journal of Computer Applications
基金 上海市科委高新项目(031211049)
关键词 协调中间件 数据新鲜度 分布式数据库 调度算法 服务质量 coordination middleware freshness of data distributed database scheduling algorithm QoS
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