
综合孔径微波辐射计的技术发展及其应用展望 被引量:33

Technical Development and Application Prospect of Synthetic Aperture Radiometer
摘要 介绍了综合孔径微波辐射计成像的基本原理,回顾了干涉式综合孔径技术在过去十余年间的发展历程,较详细地介绍并分析了目前世界上已有或在研的综合孔径微波辐射计系统,其中包括美国的ESTAR及其2D-STAR,GeoSTAR计划,欧空局SMOS计划上的主载荷MIRAS,芬兰赫尔辛基技术大学的HUT-2D,以及中科院空间中心研制的C波段及X波段综合孔径微波辐射计等。最后,对干涉式综合孔径技术的应用前景作了简要介绍与展望。 Interferometric synthetic aperture radiometry is a relative new technique in the area of microwave earth observation to measure the brightness temperature distribution of the earth. It can enhance the spatial resolution of the passive microwave remote sensing effectively. Steady progresses of this technology have been achieved in both one dimensional and two dimensional cases since 1990's. In this paper, the technique development of the interferometric synthetic aperture radiometry in the past ten years was reviewed. The imaging principle of the aperture synthesis was introduced. Both of the two most common means of the aperture synthesis, one dimensional and two dimensional, were described. Another aperture synthesis means based on antenna array rotating was also described as the latest progress. Then the existing and proposed instruments were reviewed, including ESTAR, 2D-STAR, GeoSTAR from the US, MIRAS of the ESA mission SMOS, HUT-2D developed by Helsinki University of Technology, and the C-band and X-band systems developed by Center for Space Science and Applied Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, etc. Finally, the application prospect of the interferometric synthetic aperture technology was discussed, especially in the area of earth observation, space exploration, reconnaissance and some security imaging application.
出处 《遥感技术与应用》 CSCD 2005年第1期24-29,共6页 Remote Sensing Technology and Application
关键词 综合孔径微波辐射计 被动微波遥感 成像辐射计 Synthetic aperture radiometer, Passive microwave remote sensing, Imaging radiometer
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