Objective:To assess the unilateral hippocampal infarction models induced by cold light irradiation companioned by various dose of Rose Bengal based on the changes in neurobehavior and histopathology in the rats. Method:60 rats were divided into eight groups at random: a cold light irradiation group, a photosensitizer group and 6 groups of light irradiation plus photosensitizer(with concentration of 30,40,50,60,70and 80mg/kg respectively).The 6 groups were given cold light irradiationon to CA1 region of left hippocampus immediately after the intravenous injection of Rose Bengal.The availability of model was evaluated by the changes in neurobehavior, pathomorphology and the sizes of infarction 72 hours later.Result: The cerebral infractions were induced by over 50 mg/kg Rose Bengal and the infarction sizes were stable. The changes were pronounced in pathomorphology but unsharp in neurobehavior.Conclusion:The unilateral hippocampal infarction model induced by Rose Bengal associated with cold light irradiation has a good stability, excellent repetition and high survival rate in rats.
Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine