通过2000~2001年对贵州观赏草坪害虫调查,经对采集标本进行鉴定,草坪害虫隶属8目91种.根据其对观赏草坪危害的程度,贵州观赏草坪主要害虫有:粘虫(Leucania litufa)、斜纹夜蛾(Prodenia jitura)、麦蚜(wheat stinkbug)、短额负蝗(Alraclomorpha sinensis)、铜绿丽金龟(Anomalaa corpnlenla)幼虫.
The investigation of turf pests of Guizhou province was carried out during 2000-2001,The collected inset specimens was identified. The results showed that inset specimens belonging to 91 species within 9 orders. The turf pests were classified by harmed degree to turf,the main pests include Leucania litura,Prodenia jitura,wheat stink-bug,Alraclomorpha sinensis and Anomala corpnlenla.
Journal of Sichuan Grassland