增速过猛 ,规模过大 ,新开工项目过多 ,是当前固定资产投资领域出现的问题。消费与投资比例关系失衡将严重影响整个经济的良性循环。为了避免国民经济的大起大落和通货膨胀的压力 ,就必须清醒地认识当前的投资形势 ,采取有效合理的手段保持经济稳健地增长。
In present fixed assets investment, we must face these problem s: so ra pidly growth , so large scale, and so many newly projects. The incorrect prop o rtion in consumption and investment will badly influence the healthy cycle of t he whole economy .So in order to avoid the great rise and drop in national ec o nomy and inflation pressure, we must clearly understand the present investment situation, take effective and right measures to keep the economy growsteadily and healthily.
Journal of Shaanxi Radio & TV University