
“宜将剩勇追穷寇 不可沽名学霸王”探释——纪念《七律·人民解放军占领南京》创作56周年

A Tentative Interpretation of "with Spared Power We Should Pursue after the Tottering Foe, but We Should not Fish for Fame to Learn From the Overlord"——To the Memory of the 56th Anniversary of the Publication of The PLA Men Conquering Nanjing
摘要 文题为毛泽东《七律·人民解放军占领南京》一诗中颈联两句诗。出句"穷寇"一词,多数注家解为"穷途末路的敌人",指蒋介石集团。无异议。楚汉战争中的"穷寇"是谁?多数注家没有正面注解,但从对句的解释中,可以看出是指刘邦。认为在鸿门宴上没有把刘邦杀掉,留下了后患。对此笔者不敢苟同。鸿门宴时的刘邦还是比较强大的,是他率领义军首先攻破咸阳灭秦,而且受到关中百姓的拥护。项羽失败的根本原因,是他失去了民心。另外,上述解释易把诗的原义理解成同情项羽的失败。笔者以为诗作者的历史联想点在"鸿沟为界",不在"鸿门宴"。这时的项羽已成了"兵疲食尽"的穷寇。 <Abstrcat>In Chairman Mao's poem The PLA Men Conquering Nanjing, the word 'tottering foe' is always unanimously interpreted by the annotators as those in an impasse, referring to Jiang Jieshi's group. As for the 'tottering foe' during period when there was a war between Chu and Han, most annotators did not give direct connotations, but it is not difficult to figure out that it refers to Liu Bang. They hold that troubles were left just because Liu Bang was not killed at Hongmenyan, to which the author cannot agree. At that time Liu Bang was still powerful, and it was he led the volunteers to fist occupy the city of Xianyang, and defeated the Qin Dynasty, and won the support of the ordinary people. The basic cause for Xiangyu's failure lies in the fact that he lost the heart of the public. In addition, the above interpretation misunderstands the original connotation for the sympathy for the failure of Xiangyu. Therefore, the author of this paper holds that the historical association of the poet is in the boundary of Honggou rather than in Hongmenyan, for at that time Xiangyu had already become a tottering foe who had exhausted troops and short supplies.
作者 卢文晖 马瑛
出处 《辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2005年第2期80-82,共3页 Journal of Liaoning Normal University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 毛主席 七律 穷寇 霸王 历史联想点 鸿沟为界 Chairman Mao an eightline poem with seven characters to a line tottering foe overlord points of historical associations boundary of Honggou
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