报道了啤酒酵母原生质体融合株GR5的中试结果。融合株GR5的凝絮性较强 (本斯值为 2 .7) ,以12°Bx麦芽汁为培养基 ,用 5 0 0L发酵罐在 12℃下发酵 ,发酵至第 8d菌株GR5的发酵度为 6 9.2 % ,发酵液中的双乙酰含量为 0 .0 4 98mg/L、乙醛含量为 6 .34mg/L ,总高级醇含量为 74 .4mg/L ,该菌株生产的啤酒 ,口感柔和、协调 ,略带酯香味。融合株GR5的遗传性稳定 。
The results of pilot fermentation test of Saccharomyces cerevisiae protoplast fusant GR5 were reported. The flocculence of fusant strain GR5 was stronger with 2.7mL of burns value. The content of diacetyl, aldehyde, total higher alcohols in the fermented liquid of strain GR5 were 0.0498mg/L, 6.34mg/L, 74.4mg/L, respectively, and fermentation degree was 69.2% in 500L fermentor using 12°Bx wort as the medium at 12℃ for 8 days. The sensory evaluation of the beer produced by the fusant strain GR5 was nice. The results above show that the fusant strain GR5 is of well applied prospect in the beer brewing.
Liquor Making