皖南山区自然条件优越,草地资源丰富,然而目前皖南山区畜牧业生产相当落后,林牧矛盾和农牧矛盾比较突出, 限制了山区农业经济以及全省国民经济的发展;通过对皖南山区草地资源和畜牧业现状的分析,讨论了皖南山区畜牧业方面存在的问题与不足,提出了合理开发利用山区草地资源、大力发展皖南畜牧业的战略措施、以促进山区草地资源合理开发利用和皖南畜牧业的发展、促进皖南山区"三农"问题的解决及经济、环境、社会可持续发展。
With predominant natural condition, Mountainous Area of South Anhui is a well-developed area of cultivation in Anhui Province. And its stockbreeding has great potential basing on its abundant meadow resources. Nevertheless, by now stockbreeding is quite undeveloped in this area, which can meet the need of the inside and outside market, causes great conflicts among forestry, stockbreeding and agriculture, and restricts the agriculture development of the local and the province as well. Through the investigation and analysis on meadow resources and its stockbreeding status quo in the area, This article discusses the problems and shortages of stockbreeding development of this area, and it also puts forward the measures and stratagems of stockbreeding development to promote the exploitation and protection of meadow resources, so as to improve the agriculture structure of Mountainous Area of South Anhui, to develop the ecological and intensive agriculture, and to advance the sustainable development of economy, society, and environment in Mountainous Area of South Anhui.
Territory & Natural Resources Study