The PurPose of this manualis to givea summaryasto what 0GSis,the benefitsof 0GSand to givereacers an idea as to how 0GS can work in your country It must be noted that this is not a standalonedocu ment but is to be usedin conjunctior whenmeeting with the regional Programm emanager As the 0GS initiative involve sreceiving donations and distri buting funds to Programmedegal advice must be takenin eachcour try to ensurecharitablecom Pliancincludingaccounting
The PurPose of this manualis to givea summaryasto what 0GSis,the benefitsof 0GSand to givereacers an idea as to how 0GS can work in your country It must be noted that this is not a standalonedocu ment but is to be usedin conjunctior whenmeeting with the regional Programm emanager As the 0GS initiative involve sreceiving donations and distri buting funds to Programmedegal advice must be takenin eachcour try to ensurecharitablecom Pliancincludingaccounting requirements
International Eye Science