顾客资产正日益成为衡量企业竞争力和长期绩效的重要标志。要真正实现顾客价值的最大化,企 业必须在扩大市场占有率、识别顾客需求、识别顾客满意的质量因素、产品的创新和细分顾客过程等方面 用质量的理念给予认真思考。
Customer asset is becoming the important sign of weighing enterprise's competitiveness and longterm performance day by day. To realize the maximization of customer value, enterprise must ponder deeply with the ider of qulity on the aspects such as expanding the market share, discerning customer demands,discerning qualitative factors of customer satisfactions, innovation of product and segmenting customer.
Journal of Shanghai Economic Management College