通过X 射线单晶衍射,确定了化合物[MoO2 (C9H6NO)2 ]的晶体结构。化合物晶体属单斜晶系,空间群为C2/c,晶胞参数a=1 .341 6 ( 3 )nm,b= 0. 934 46 ( 19 )nm,c=1 .362 2(3)nm,β=109 .78(3)°,Z=4。该化合物通过Mo原子有一个二重对称轴。在[MoO2 (C9H6NO)2 ]的分子结构中, Mo(VI)原子处于扭曲的八面体中心,N(1)、N(1A)、O(2)、O(2A)位于八面体的赤道位置,O(1)、O(1A)位于八面体的顶点位置。从晶胞堆积图中可看到,通过C(8)—H(8A)…O(1)有一潜在的弱的氢键,使标题化合物的结构更稳定。
The crystal and molecular structure of the complex \[MoO_ 2(C_ 9H_ 6NO)_ 2\] has been determined by X-ray crystallography. The compound crystallizes in monoclinic system,space group C2/c,with lattice parameters a=1.341 6(3)nm, b=0.934 46(19)nm, c=1.362 2(3)nm, β=109.78(3)° and Z=4. The compound has a twofold axis through the Mo(VI) atom. In the molecular structure, the coordination geometry of the central Mo atom is a distorted octahedral, with two terminal O atoms and two N atoms of 8-quinolinol ligands being in the basal positions and two O atoms of 8-quinolinol ligands being in the apical positions. There is a potential weak intermolecular hydrogen bond through C(8)—H(8A)…O(1), which stabilizes the structure of the title compound.
Journal of Qingdao University of Science and Technology:Natural Science Edition