目的 :研究非血管化自体移植骨离体时间差异对非血管化骨 (Non VascularizedBoneGraft ,NVBG)牙种植体 (IMP)同期植入术中植骨块与种植体形成骨结合的影响。方法 :西安地区成年杂种狗 12只 ,随机分为 2组 ,分别拔除其一侧 4个前磨牙 ,6周后在下颌骨拔牙区制作长约 3cm中断性缺损 ,分别在NVBG离体后 40min以内和 80min以上行NVBG +IMP同期植入术修复下颌骨缺损 ,术后 4周、12周、2 4周分别处死每组 2只动物 ,进行组织学观察。结果 :2 4周时 ,所有NVBG与种植体之间均形成了良好的骨结合 ;但 4周、12周时 ,NVBG离体时间在40min以内组新骨形成比离体时间在 80min以上组多 ,NVBG与种植体形成骨结合情况优于离体时间在 80min以上组。结论 :无论NVBG离体时间小于 40min还是大于 80min ,非血管化骨移植同期种植体植入最终均能形成良好的骨性结合 。
Objective:To investigate the influence of different strorage time in vitro to the osseointegration between non-vascularized bone graft (NVBG) and dental implants in jaw functional rehabilitation.Method:Twelve hybrid dogs were randomly divided into two groups.Four pre-molars of one side of every dog were extracted.After 6 weeks mandible defect was created and NVBG of ilium was transplanted to rehabilitate the defect of mandible with simultaneous insertion of dental implants. The storage time in vitro of NVBG was controlled no more than 40 min in experimental groups and above 80 min in controlled groups.At 4 w,12 w,24 w after operation two dogs of every group were respectively sacrificed and tissue specimens were observed with lightmicroscropy.Result:At 24 week osseointegration was formed between implants and NVBGs in both groups.At 4 w and 12 w new bone formation was lesser in controlled group than it in experimental group and osseointegration is better in experimental group than it in controlled group. Conclusion: No matter how long NVBG was stored in vitro implants and NVBGs could integrated by bone formation in the end. Longer storage time in vitro maybe result in lesser bone formation and worse osseointegration.
Journal of Clinical Stomatology
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (30 4 71 90 1 )
non-vascularized bone graft
dental implant
strorage time in vitro