目的:用母血清生化标志物产前筛查唐氏综合征(DS).方法:用时间分辨免疫荧光分析法测定孕7~13周孕妇血清中妊娠相关血浆蛋白A(PAPP-A)和游离β-人绒毛膜促性腺激素(free β-HCG)的中位数,以及胎儿颈部透明膜厚度(NT)以确定高危人群,用T1-risk风险统计软件进行风险率计算,以1:250作为高风险的切割值,并通过绒毛染色体核型分析给予确诊.结果:359例孕妇中筛出高危个体40例,阳性率11.14%,确诊DS胎儿1例.计算出7~13孕周PAPP-A和free β-HCG中位数值.结论:在孕早期用检测PAPp-A和free p-HCG结合NT筛查DS胎儿,有望使产前诊断时间提前.
Objective Maternal serum biochemical markers were used to screen for fetal down's syndrome DS in first trimester. Methods Time-resolved immunofluorometric assay TrIFMA was used for the concentration of PAPP-A and free-β-HCG in maternal serum at 7-13 gestational week internal in order to determine the high risk persons. The risk rate was calculated with T1-risk statistical software. 1∶ 250 was regarded as the cut-off value of high risk. The fetal karotype was identified by CVS. Results In 359 pregnant women 40 samples were screened of high risk. And one was identified as DS fetus. The positive rate was 11.14%. The Medians concentration of PAPP-A and free-β-HCG at 7-13 gestational week internal was also calculated. Conclusion Screening for Down's syndrome in the first trimester is feasible and the screening time would be earlier than before.
Tianjin Medical Journal