Objective To enhance the understanding of cystitis, obstructive uropathy (OU) and chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIPO) in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Methods We presented a case of SLE complicated with cystitis, OU and CIPO, and reviewed relevant English and Chinese literature. Results The case was a 37 year-old female with a history of SLE for 4 years. She developed urinary irritant symptoms for 1 year and abdominal distention for 1 month before admission. Ultrasound and cystoscopic studies revealed a thickening of bladder wall and reduced bladder volume; cystoscopic study revealed inflammatory and edematours mucosa; Ultrasound study and X-ray image confirmed the existence of OU and CIPO. Symptoms of urinary irritant and CIPO were relieved after initiation of prednisone and cyclophosphamide (CTX), but reducing the dosage of prednisone and CTX had caused a relapse. Conclusion Cystitis is a rare clinical manifestation of SLE, it is likely to be misdiagnosed. The pathological change of cystitis complicated with SLE is interstitial cystitis and is the most common cause of OU in SLE. OU is closely related to CIPO and it is suggested that patients with these complications may be classified as a unique subgroup of SLE. Intestinal obstruction is a severe complication of SLE with high mortality rate, clinicians should be aware of this unique subgroup of SLE and treat it properly.
Chinese Journal of Rheumatology
Lupus erythematosus, systemic
Cystitis, interstitial
Urethral, obstructive
Intestinal pseudo-obstruction