企业级服务是传统的COM +服务在 .NET框架技术上的延伸 ,该服务引入了大量的 .NET属性使分布式事务、同步管理以及安全配置等特性在开发阶段就可以编程实现。本文着重介绍了 .NET属性在企业级服务安全配置中的应用 ,并以实例论述了基于分布式组件技术的ASP .NETWeb应用中的安全部署策略。
Enterprise Services is extention of traditional COM+ Service on . NET framework . This technique introduces lots of .NET attributes, which makes it be realized in the phrase of programming . This paper discusses the application of NET in the security configuration of enterprise services and explains the policy of ASP .NET web application based on the distributed component.
Henan Metallurgy