类型选择是凸轮机构设计中的一个基础环节 ,也是一个多层次、多因素的复杂过程 ,受许多因素的制约和影响 .文章讨论了盘形凸轮机构的分类方式 ,并在此基础上建立了盘形凸轮机构编码表 .根据模糊决策的理论 ,从功能性、动载性、使用性及经济性等几方面对盘形凸轮机构的综合性能进行分析 ,建立了盘形凸轮机构类型选择的模糊综合评判模型 ,使凸轮类型选择更合理 。
Selection of types, influenced by many factors, is a key link in cam design. After discussing the classifying methods of plate cams, the paper comes up with a code table of them. Fuzzy mathematics is adopted to analyze their multiple properties, and fuzzy evaluation models of selection of types are established, which makes the selection reasonable.
Journal of Nanjing Institute of Technology(Natural Science Edition)