目的 掌握湖北省疟疾流行态势 ,巩固来之不易的防治成果。方法 收集近 10年来湖北省疟疾疫情 ,分析全省疟疾流行现状和变化规律。结果 近 10年来 ,湖北省的疟疾疫情不断出现波动起伏 ,每年疟疾病人数在 2 0 0 0~ 6 0 0 0例之间徘徊 ,难以持续下降 ,时有局部暴发点出现 ,80 %以上的疟疾病例集中在占全省总人口 2 8.4 1%的嗜人按蚊疟区 ,且嗜人按蚊疟区有逐渐向外扩张的态势。结论 全省疟区分布及流行态势发生重大变化 ,嗜人按蚊疟区是今后疟疾防治工作的重点、难点 ,应引起高度重视。
Objective To understend the malaria epidemic situation in Hubei Province and consolidate the achievement of malaria control.Methods To collect malaria data and analyze epidemic situation and pattern in the past ten years. Results There has been fluctuation of malaria epidemic in Hubei province for the recent dacade. The number of malaria cases(2000~6000)has not continuously declined while local epidemic outbreaks occunned from time to time. Over 80% cases were in Anopheles anthropophagus areas, occupying 28.41% of the total population in Hubei,and these areas had a trend of spreading.Conclusion There has been great change of Hubei malaria distribution and epidemic pattern. Anopheles anthropophagus areas are the key work in the future.
Journal of Public Health and Preventive Medicine