现行“巨额财产来源不明罪”中 ,构成要件的独立性与实践上的附随性相冲突 ,规定的行为与定性处罚存在矛盾 ;该罪的设立违背了刑事诉讼的举证责任规则 ,也侵犯了国家工作人员的财产私有权 ,且与国际司法人权保护原则相矛盾。应当去掉该罪名 ,加强侦查机关的侦查力度与责任 ,努力查清被追诉人的财产来源 ,证实其贪污贿赂罪 ,从源头上制止贪污受贿行为 ,才是解决矛盾的根本。
The independence of important component condition and the adhesion in practice conflict with each other in the current ”crime of unkn o wn origin of immense amount of property”, and there also exists contradictions b etween the set act and qualitative punishment. The establishment of the crime vi olates the responsibilities and the rules of the proof putting in criminal suit, infringes upon private rights of property of state personnel, and also contradi cts the international law principle of human rights protection. We should get ri d of this crime, strengthen the investigating strength and the responsibilities of investigating organs, and try hard to make a thorough investigation of the or igin of the accused's property so as to confirmed his crime of corruption and br ibery. To stop the act of corruption and the act of accepting bribes from the so urce is the basic method to solve the contradictions.
Journal of Hubei Polytechnic Institute