在后现代思潮甚嚣尘上的今天 ,历史叙事与大众传播媒介相结合 ,不觉沦为了受众一种粗浅的消费品。在这种背景之下 ,近年出齐的四卷本长篇历史小说《张居正》具有独特的意义。作者秉持一种深沉的忧患意识重新观照历史人物 ,力图挖掘出历史人物和历史事件背后的当代意义。
Combining with the public medium, nowadays the historical narrative has become a kind of superficial consumer goods of the readers because of the notable impact of postmodernism. The four-volume long historical novel, Zhang Juzheng has a distinctive meaning under this background. The writer keeps a kind of deep suffering consciousness to reread the historical character to explore the present meaning of the historical character and events.
Journal of Huaihua University